
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

healing herbs

five healing herbs: rose, hawthorn, passionflower, balm and motherwort. she says the motherwort will literally give me a hug as i sip. all these herbs will gently oh so gently allow my heart to stop clunching up so that i can sleep and breath into the future. take a pinch of each, a teaspoonful, brew considerably, sip steadily, allow - allow - allow - the healing time, hurt cannot be healed but the heart can forgive itself. rose is the most powerful, motherwort the most giving, hawthorn will do whatever is asked of it, passionflower will not give passion but will relax and allow a peacemaking, balm will cleanse and lift the heart.

gently passionflower asks to give, to sip the gentle peace. rose is mother, can sleep all day but forgives not love. a clutch of howthorn, hurts. stop hurting yourself, so rose, so balm. powerful allowances, literally pinch the heart. a teaspoonful of sorrows. the future is a giving time. forgive passion, rose, flower, heal. hurt itself is heart, to stop is to sleep, to give is to say. to love is to allow. five breaths of whatever cannot be. sip all or nothing. give everything. most giving is the gently hurt, itself a brew of future nots and steady pain.