
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

tea garden *1

her little rosy face
her head-dress of last hour's sunshine
a sudden jumped magical
straight line of thought
following the fallen petals all the way
around and around the garden
around and around and around
& around
& around we go
all the way, holding her wrist not her hand
breathless & giddy with breathing lungs ache
scratched wrists rose thorns of bleeding harmless
when she blinked again & again
knocking down to earth
we all fall down
suddenly as the clouds came and thunder
the garden swam, the villagers of lupins standing
gawping at the colours of her
leaning and grasping & tearing at the lawn
frayed edges of earth, little lacy weeds
time for tea, time for sleep, it is time
rest your weary head poor dead ones
daisies recording the hours
recollecting a happier moment
before she was dragged down to earth
and before she was born slithering red
rose petals all stuck over her mouth
breathless lips
intoxicated with rose and hawthorn dust
and little stab marks of heels across the lawn
dancing dancing dancing
again & again